Pope Francis formally approved letting catholic priests bless same-sex couples, the Vatican announced on Monday. This is a radical shift in policy that aimed at making the church more inclusive while maintaining its strict ban on gay marriage.
The Vatican had long said it could not bless same-sex couples because it would undermine the church doctrine that marriage is only between a man and a woman.
However the new rule made clear that blessing of same-sex couple is not the same as a marriage Sacrament, a formal ceremonial rite. It also highlights that it is not blessing the relationship, and that to avoid confusion, blessings should be imparted during or connected to the ceremony of a civil or same-sex union, or when there are “any clothing, gestures or words that are proper to a wedding”
Blessings rather are better given as per the Vatican during a meeting with a priest, visit to a shrine, during a pilgrimage or a prayer recited in a group.
The new rule was issued in a declaration and important Vatican document by the church’s office and introduced by by its head Cardinal Victor Fernandez. He said that, the declaration did not amend the traditional doctrine of the church about marriage.
” It is precisely in this context, that one can understand the possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples without officially validating their status or changing in any way the church’s perennial teaching on marriage.” Cardinal Fernandez wrote.
The document marks the latest gesture of outreach from a pope who has made welcoming LGBTQ and Catholics a hallmark of his service. From his 2013 quiz, ” who am I to judge?” About the then suspected gay priest, to his 2023 comments to the associated press that “being homosexual is not a crime,” Francis has distinguished himself from all his predecessors with his message of welcome.
” The significance of this news cannot be overstated, it is one thing to formally approve same-gender blessings, which he had already pastorally permitted, but to say that people should not be subjected to an exhaustive moral analysis to receives God love and mercy is an even more significant step.” Francis DeBernado of new way ministries which supports LGBTQ+ Catholics alludes.
In 2021, the Vaticans had strictly refused that the church could not bless the unions of two men or two women because God cannot bless a sin. That statement created an uproar since it appeared to have blindsided Francis, and even though he approved it’s publication. Soon afterwards, he removed the official responsibility for it and worked for the reversal of it.
In the new document, the Vatican said the church must doctrinal or disciplinary schemes especially when they lead to a narcissistic and authoritarian elitism whereby instead of evangelizing one anylyzes and classifies others.
It says, blessing is about helping people increase their trust in God. Thus when people ask for a blessing, an exhaustive moral analysis should not be place a precondition for conferring it.
Rev James Martin, who advocates for a greater welcome for LGBTQ+ Catholics, praised the new document as a “huge step forward” and a “dramatic shift” from the Vaticans 2021 policy.
“Along with many Catholic priests, I will now be delighted the bless my friends in the same sex marriages,” he said .
In as much as this might be celebrated by some Catholics fraternity, many people are opposing it and and outraged. Some are expressing their sentiments online saying that the church is dying. While others says that this will merely sow confusion and could lead to division in the church.
Remon Gomez, in charge of human rights for the movement for homosexual integration and liberation group in Chile, siad the statement was a step towards breaking down the discrimination in the church and could help LGBTQ and people in countries where even civil unions aren’t legal.
But he adds that the document is fair and in turn is contradictory in specifying a non-ritualized blessing that cannot be confused with marriage. Such a mixed message only gives the signal that same-sex couples are inferior to heterosexual couples.
Conservatives from Africa, where bishops are highly skeptical of church’s opening to LGBTQ, expressed their concerns.
John obala the bishop of Ngong diocese in Kenya, says that there will be many questions asked by people.
” We are sure many questions will be coming from the congregation, they will like to know how far this goes, what implications it will have and what it holds for the future.”
With all this, you being confused as I am. The big question remaining is what era is this ? Are end times so close yet so distant? Is this the beginning of the church rapture as prophesied in the revelations?Â
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