An exoplanet in its orbit

Missions to find life on planets beyond Earth are normally linked to the search for water in the cosmos and other planets. 

Being one of the universe most abundant molecules, water is key and important to all forms of life, profitable as a universal solvent essential for critical biological reactions. With this understanding, astronomers would be driven into frenzy when they discover water vapor on distant planet.

GJ 9827d a world of water spelled

Recent to be discovered is the planet GJ9827d with evidence of water vapor in it’s atmosphere despite it’s extreme temperature. Scientist mad this possible by use of Hubble space telescope.


GJ9827d is an exoplanet 97 light-years away from planet earth. And is no larger than twice the size of earth. However this exoplanet twill with hot temperatures soaring Up To 800 degrees Fahrenheit similar to that of planet Venus making it far from hospital able. This renders life impossible in the exoplanet.

With hubble telescope detecting water vapor in the atmosphere of this exoplanet, it takes us more closer to identifying planets with environment similar to this of earth.

“This would be the very first time that we can directly show through our atmospheric detection that these planets with water rich atmosphere can actually exist around other stars. This is an important step towards determining the prevalence and diversity of of atmospheres on rocky planets ,” said team member Bjorn Banneke of the Trottier institute of research on exoplanets at Universite de Montreal.


This distant world, while not a candidate for life my, provides invaluable knowledge into the diversity of nature of exoplanetary atmospheres. It opens a new door in the study of exoplanetary atmospheres particularly those resembling earth. 

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