Two robbery with violence suspects have been arrested following a murder of of 76-year-old woman a month ago at Serem area, Vihiga county.

Patrick Misiko, 36, and Christine Jerono, 46, were arrested in the county’s Majengo area while in possession of the deceased’s mobile phone – Oking OK 237 that formed part of the items robbed from her on July 18th robbery.

On the fateful night, the killer gang had broken into the house of the elderly woman in the dead of the night, attacking her with blunt objects and committing the abominable act. The gang made away with her gas cylinder, solar cable, phone and shopping, leaving her writhing in agonizing pain as she slid into her untimely death.

“Neighbors who had commotions at her homestead but we’re too late to catch up with robbers rushed her to Mbale referral hospital in a bid to save her life but she succumbed to severe head injuries two days later,” Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) said.

The case that had been reported at the nearby Tambua Police Post was taken over by Hamisi Sub-county detectives where Crime Scene Investigators backed up by their Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau counterparts initiated a forensic trail on the perpetrators.

As interrogation of the two suspects continue, search for their accomplices has been heightened with the local police maintaining a sharp lookout. Citizens are asked to report any robbery with violence or a threat to the police so that they can take action immediately.

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