Thousands of residents in Nairobi’s informal settlements have been left homeless as bulldozers rolled into several slum areas, demolishing homes and businesses in a controversial urban renewal initiative.

The demolitions, which took place in areas such as Kibera, Mukuru, and Mathare, have sparked widespread outcry and highlighted the urgent need for a more humane approach to urban development.

Families watched in despair as their homes were reduced to rubble, with many left scrambling to salvage whatever belongings they could.

The demolitions have disrupted lives, with schools, health clinics, and small businesses all caught in the destruction. The sudden displacement has also exacerbated existing vulnerabilities, particularly for children, the elderly, and those with health conditions.

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The governments have stepped up efforts to evict Kenyans living in reparian corridors citing safety concerns against the backdrop of torrential rains which ravaged the country in April and May.

Earlier, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki warned that the government would forcefully evict resident who fails to vacate the reparian lands.

“The government has ordered all those people who have constructed houses in reparian corridors to vacate and if they don’t we will remove them by force,” Kindiki said.

The government defended the demolitions as a necessary step in its broader strategy to upgrade Nairobi’s urban infrastructure and improve living conditions.

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The state has since disclosed that close to 10,000 ouseholds residing in reparian lands have received a Ksh10,000 stipend to support the displaced families.

As of May 40,000 more hopuseholds were in the process of verification to receive the stipend, including temporary shelters and food aid.

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