The consumption of junk foods continues to increase day by day. These foods are sweet and tasty when consumed and do not require time to prepare them as one only needs to Walk into the nearest shop to acquire them. However, despite all the convinces offered by the consumption of junk foods many do not know the the health dangers that are associated with their intake.

Junk foods can be defined as food that has high levels of fats, sugar or salt but with low or negligible nutritional value. They come in forms of soft drinks, fast foods; chips, that extra pizza on a terrific Tuesday, Crips and bakery products. In this time and era many of the majority have found themselves addicted to junk foods. Think about it, why go through the hustle of preparing a meal which includes doing the dishes after when I can simply buy processed food? 

Many have become comfortable and fail to see the need of going that extra step of making a homemade meal when they order fast foods. These scenario has resulted in the increase of lifestyle diseases and they are reported to be among the highest causes of death as they kill silently. Saying junk foods are dangerous is an understatement as they are full of toxins which cause harm to the human body.

Some of the health hazards of the junk food are Extra Calories, Insulin Resistance, High Blood Pressure, Shortness of Breath, Dental Distress, Blood Sugar Spike, Over Weight Problem, High Cholesterol, Hard on the Heart, Headache, and Acne. It also affects ones learning ability like brain power, intelligence and non-treatable disease like cancer, digestive problems, fatigue and weakness and kidney disease.

We are leaving in times where everyone is suffering from depression. What most people do not know is that high levels of fats and sugars or salts found in junk foods may trigger certain reactions in the brain affecting it’s functioning as the body may loose essential nutrients and amino acids by consuming them to much, this may lead to the inability of the brain to deal with stress and may leave you feeling depressed.

 Because of their nature junk foods lack dietary fibers which makes them tough to digest and this causes stress to parts of the digestive organs resulting in constipation and diarrhea. It’s not a surprise then why Colombia recently doubled the taxes on junk foods in a bid to curb diseases that come with their consumption. 

A saying goes “we are what we eat”, therefore it’s important to make sure that whatever we choose to consume is of benefit to our bodies sometimes even if it means getting tired by making your own meal.

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