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In a historic move aimed at revolutionizing higher education in Kenya, President William Ruto inaugurated online based university Open University of Kenya. The momentous occasion marked a significant step forward in the government’s Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda, which seeks to empower all Kenyans with equal access to education and opportunities.

Addressing the nation at the inauguration ceremony held in Konza, President Ruto emphasized the fundamental truth that unites the people of Kenya – the shared desire for better lives and a prosperous nation. Regardless of regional or socioeconomic backgrounds, Kenyans fervently believe in equal access to the means and opportunities needed to achieve their aspirations.

“The rigorous nationwide journey of public consultation amply vindicates this truth,” President Ruto stated, highlighting the comprehensive public engagement process that informed the development of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda. The president stressed the agenda’s core principles, focusing on political institution development, enhanced support for governance and administrative mechanisms, and a transformative development agenda for equitable growth.

At the heart of the transformational plan lies the Open University of Kenya, envisioned as a critical intervention to address the crisis in the national education system. President Ruto expressed concerns about the shortcomings of the traditional education system, which often left millions of Kenyans without access to tertiary and higher education.

“For long, the term ‘inclusive’ was assumed to be naturally incompatible with the purposes of higher education,” President Ruto noted, acknowledging the historical challenges in making higher education accessible to all. However, the president firmly believed that the Open University of Kenya would herald a new era, making quality education affordable and available to everyone from all walks of life.

The Open University of Kenya’s virtual learning model breaks down barriers of distance and cost, enabling students to pursue education from the convenience of their homes, offices, farms, or other locations. This revolutionary approach to education is a game-changer, offering flexibility and convenience to a wide range of Kenyans, from herdsmen and farmers to professionals and graduates.

“With the national open university, we guarantee effective curriculum implementation, quality education, and training,” Ruto affirmed. The university’s emphasis on digital and technological skills will empower Kenyan enterprises in various sectors to be innovative and competitive, contributing to economic growth and development.

The university’s inaugural course offerings are closely aligned with the transformational agenda, focusing on essential areas such as Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, Data Science, Technology Education, Business and Entrepreneurship, and Agriculture and Food Systems. Plans for introducing master’s and doctorate programs in the future promise to make lifelong learning accessible and affordable for all.

In an effort to enhance choice and increase public university capacity, President Ruto urged the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) to incorporate the Open University of Kenya into its portal promptly. This would enable students to enroll for the academic year commencing in September and benefit from government financial support through the New Funding Model.

The inauguration of the Open University of Kenya also coincides with a greening initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry in collaboration with the Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA). This initiative aims to restore degraded ASAL landscapes by planting trees and establishing research and development facilities to offer training and technical services to communities and institutions.

As President Ruto concluded the ceremony, he commended the cabinet secretary for Education and all the teams involved in the successful establishment of the university. The Open University of Kenya represents a major milestone in the implementation of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda, reflecting the government’s commitment to leaving no one behind in its quest for progress and prosperity.

The inauguration of the Open University of Kenya ushers in a new era of inclusive and accessible higher education in Kenya. President Ruto’s vision of empowering all Kenyans through quality education has taken a significant step forward, promising to build a skilled and competitive workforce and pave the way for a more prosperous and innovative nation.

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