Police are holding a 33-year-old man who killed his neighbor after they quarreled over
a two-kilogram packet of maize at their home in THE Ololulunga area, Narok South Sub

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Narok County police commander Riko Ngare said Nelson Langat was stabbed severally
by his friend and neighbor identified as Hillary after disagreeing over the packet of
maize floor.
Langat was rushed to Ololulunga sub-county hospital while profusely bleeding from stab
wounds on the neck, chest and back.

He was later transferred to Longisa hospital in Bomet County where he was confirmed

“The incident was reported by the area chief. It was later established that the deceased
had been rushed to hospital by members of the public who witnessed the fight,” he said.

Later, the main suspect surrendered himself to the Ololulunga police station where he is
being held in custody as the incident is being investigated.

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In another incident, a person who had been convicted of possessing two liters of illicit
brew, chang’aa, and sentenced to a fine of Sh. 10, 000 or imprisonment for three
months collapsed and died while in police custody.

According to a police report, the deceased, namely Emmanuel Kigen, was in the
company of seven other prisoners and had been handcuffed by another prisoner.

He complained of dizziness and headache and when he was being escorted out of the
court’s cells, he collapsed and hit a metallic door on the forehead.

He was rushed to Narok County Referral Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

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