NAIROBI, KENYA, DEC 6- The Kenya Bureau of Starndards (KEBS) has banned the importation of Secondhand vehicles into the country whose year of registration is 2016 and below shall not be allowed in the country from 1st January 2024.

According to a notice released by KEBS importers of used /second-hand motor vehicles, have been notified that only right-hand motor vehicles whose year of registration is from 1st January 2017 and later, shall be allowed in the country, from 1st January 2024.

“We wish to notify all importers of used/second-hand motor vehicles including returning residents, diplomatic staff, and the general public that in observance of clause 2.5 of KS1515:2000 on the eight(8) year age limit requirement, only Right-Hand Drive (RHD) motor vehicles whose year of registration is from 1st January 2017 and later shall be allowed into the country effective 1st January 2024,” the statement outlined.

Additionally, the bureau has cautioned that vehicles imported to Kenya from 6 countries(Japan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Thailand, Singapore, and South Africa) are expected to be accompanied by a certificate of road worthiness(CoR) issued by the quality Inspection Services Inc.Japan(QISJ), an inspection company contracted by KEBS.

“Vehicles from countries in which KEBS has an inspection agency i.e. Japan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Thailand Singapore, and South Africa shall be accompanied by a certificate of roadworthiness (CoR) ISSUED BU Quality Inspection Services Inc.Japan(QISJ) which is an inspection company contracted by KEBS,” the bureau stated.

However, certificates issued to vehicles whose year of registration is 2016, shall not be valid after December 31st.

Importers have been advised to comply with the guidelines, failure to which, vehicles will be rejected.

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