NAIROBI, KENYA NOVEMBER 23 – The Ministry of Education has today released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). According to ministry of Education, a total of 1,406,557 sat for KCPE exams from October 27, 2023 to November 01, 2023.
However, a total of 9,354 candidates did not sit for the examination due to different circumstances. Due too that, the ministry of Education has given them a chance to sit for a special exam in 2024.
The 2023 KCPE exams marked the end of the 8-4-4 system at primary level. No candidates who sat the KCPE will repeat. This means that 2023 KCPE candidates will be the last cohort of students under the 8-4-4 system and they are set to do their Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in 2027.
Parents and guardians are advised to get their results by sending their Index number followed by KCPE to 40054.
English, Composition and Kenya sign language are the subjects which recorded the highest improvement with female candidate outperforming their male counterparts.
“English, English Composition, and Kenyan sign language all recorded significant improvement compared to KCPE 2022 – with female candidates performing better in these than their male counterparts. The remaining subjects recorded a slight decline in performance,” CS Education Ezekiel Machogu.
Education CS Ezekiel Machogu said that there were only two cases of exam malpractices witness during the KCPE eexamination.
“Only two candidates were involved in examination malpractice. One was found with unauthorized notes while the other was found with a mobile phone,” CS Education Ezekiel Machogu
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