NAIROBI, Kenya Oct 21-The Joint Commission International has once again certified The Aga Khan University Hospital as a centre of excellence for the management of heart attacks .
AKUH,N was first certified back in 2020, where it was the first hospital in sub Saharan Africa to achieve the certification and is since then recognized as the only centre in East Africa to be recognized as such. It has continued to adopt international standards that provide for the standardization of care for patients with heart attacks.
“This certification is an external validation that we are providing the highest quality of patient care as benchmarked against international peer hospitals. It testifies to our commitment to provide quality patient care guided by patient safety standards and aimed at good health outcomes,” said Rashi Khalani, CEO AKUH,N
This year’s certification follows an audit conducted by the JCI in September 2023, as part of the 3 years’ review process. The audit examines key patient care processes and outcomes including physician practice and compliance with practice guidelines, medication management, safety of care, qualifications and competencies of program staff and physicians, multidisciplinary approach to patient care, patient/family involvement, timeliness of treatment and overall outcomes such as survival, among other outcomes.
The hospital demonstrated how the cardiologist team provide the highest quality of care to patients who suffer heart attacks and are admitted to the hospital.
“Heart attacks are an emergency and require timely treatment. This cause is usually blocked artery. Standardization of care ensure that every heart attack patient who comes to the hospital receives the same quality of care on time, conforming to best practice,” said Dr Mohamed Jeilan, the hospital’s director of cardiac services.
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