NAIROBI, November 21 – Ten people were arrested on their way to Nakuru Law Courts for the case of former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga.

Four suspects who went for a tea break were not allowed back into the court. The court had allowed some people to enter, but there were protests about the heavy police presence.

Lawyer Ndegwa Njiru criticized the police for blocking roads and preventing people from attending the hearing.

He threatened to protest if friends and relatives of the accused were not allowed in.
“Even lawyers are not being allowed in court before showing identity cards to prove that they are members of the Law Society of Kenya,” Ndegwa said.

The case was delayed due to the protests. The prosecutor argued that the courtroom was too crowded, and a witness fainted on Monday.

The magistrate suggested that the prosecution and defense discuss who should be allowed in.

Njenga and the others are facing charges related to being part of an unlawful sect, illegal meetings, possession of firearms and drugs, and recruiting people into an illegal group.

The alleged offenses happened in May 11 to 12 in the Githioro area of Wanyororo Bahati sub-county.

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