The county assembly of Siaya has today approved the impeachment of the embattled Siaya deputy governor William Oduol Denge. In a contentious debate tabled by Asembo East ward representative Gordon Onguru, 38 out of 42 members of the Siaya county assembly voted to have the besieged deputy governor impeached. Oduol has for a long time had an unpleasant working relationship with governor James Orengo over what Oduol terms as misuse of county resources by the governor.

 Their differences have played out in the public eye with dramatic events pitting the supporters of the governor and his now impeached deputy. Oduol whose woes have continued to deepen has also been expelled from the ODM party. After a meeting with delegates, Siaya’s Organizing Secretary Walter Okello said the party has resolved to part ways with Oduol over disloyalty.

 Oduol is accused of working with the Kenya kwanza administration. “This meeting has unanimously resolved that the Siaya County Deputy Governor be compelled to resign from his position since he no longer subscribes to the ideals and aspirations of the party. The meeting has resolved that he be expelled, and is hereby expelled,” read a statement from the party.

The expulsion of Oduol and his further impeachment from office barely a year into office could well set precedence in the Orange party on crackdown on rebels as ODM seeks to stamp its authority in the Nyanza region, an area considered an ODM stronghold.

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