ODM leader Raila Odinga. Photo | Courtesy.

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga has announced that he will exit Kenyan politics as he focuses on African affairs.

Raila, who’s in the race for African Union Chairperson (AUC) seat, said he will not be “active in Kenyan politics” as he focuses on continental campaigns.

He said Africa has come a long way since thanks to organisation of African Union (AU), but he emphasized on the need to strengthen the union “to enable African countries to realize the dreams” of their founding fathers.

He further stated the need for a united, peaceful and prosperous Africa where citizens can work productively in the continent.

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On the other hand, Raila pointed out to challenges facing the continent including healthcare, education and unemployment challenges.

To him, such challenges have forced many young people to brave Sahara Desert and Mediterranean Sea to cross to Europe in search of “greener pastures”, a decision that have resulted in drowning of thousands of African youths in the sea.

He said the youth risking their lives crossing the raging waters of Mediterranean Sea are trying to “escape poverty and challenges in the continent.”

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The former prime minister said the solution to unemployment and poverty in Africa lies in creation of “condusive and enabling environment” so that Africans can develop and create employment opportunities within the continent.

He was speaking in a meeting with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi at Mudavadi’s Railways office.

Mudavadi said Raila’s AUC candidature represents “Kenya’s aspirations for the continent” and urged Kenyans to stand with him.

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