NAIROBI, Kenya Oct 20-President William Ruto has highlighted the efforts taken by the government in the delivery of primary health care services at the community level starting with the community health promoters (CHP).
During the Mashujaa day celebration, the president stated that each community heath promoter is allocated 100 homes within the neighbor hoods and their work, includes basic preventive and promotive health, health education, basic first aid for the treatments of minor injuries and ailments at the household level and referral for facility based health care.
Ruto further commended the work of the community health promoters for visiting over one million counties in 10 counties and he has promised that the national government will work together with the county government to boost the delivery of the community health services.
“The national government is working closely with the county governments to strengthen the delivery of community health services through payment of stipends for 100,000 community Heath promoters, on a matching basis of 50:50” said the president during the celebration.
”The national government has allocated Ksh3 billion annually for payments of the stipends. It is worthy noting that, as of today, over one million households in 10 counties have been visited by community health promoters, offered services and their data captured in the AFYA NYUMBANI dashboard. This is a major achievement,” The president reiterated.
President Ruto further stated that the government is committed to deliver digital health agenda starting from the community level. He noted that electronic community health information systems(e-CHIS), which is live is a simple and user friendly mobile health application that will be used to collect real time accurate household data, initiate planning for health service delivery and provide linkage to health facilities and is in use by the health promoters.
The president further promised to provide 100,000 community health promoter with kits- which contain basic equipment for household health, screening, medicines and supplies used for service provision at the household level. He has further stated that the government has provided 110 000 smart phones for use by the promoters and community health assistants.
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