Maria Juma.
I was not raised in the city and when my father allowed me to join the university I had to learn the hard
way, I had no one to show me around the city, and one day, the matatu I boarded, decided to use a
different route. I alighted the matatu really confused, then I decided to find my way to school, I found
myself on Kirinyaga road [it’s famous for selling spare parts, rowdiness, and shady car deals] I got so
anxious because I was in the middle of another world, so I saw a traffic policeman whom I approached
courageously and explained that I got lost going to school and I needed his help. God bless his soul, he
held my hand and took me to campus, and handed me over to security. I learned my lesson and made it
a habit to go around town to know various places and buildings and I assure you since then I don’t get
lost in town.
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