NAIROBI, DEC 7 – Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has revealed plans to create a website where candidates can access their results for free. This comes after myriad of errors were witnessed in the recently released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam results witnessed several errors which sparked controversies countrywide.

In the results, some student got marks in subjects that they did take or otherwise not in offer in their schools. A example were a number of student who reported to have gotten marks for Kenya Sign Language in place of Kiswahili subject.

Appearing before the National Assembly Education Committee, CS Machogu blamed the service providers who was contracted to provide results via SMS for the errors that were witnessed. He added that they will not contract the service provider again.

“I have learnt lessons because you can see as a ministry, everything was right. Somebody we can call an outsider was given the contract but did not conform and do to the required standard. Moving forward, when we release the KCSE examinations, we will not be able to make use of the same service provider,” Machogu said.

Machogu went ahead to propose that education ministry was in talks with ministry of ICT to see if they can build a website where candidates can access their results for free. Currently, parents or guardians were charged Ksh25 to access their candidates results through SMS service.  

“I am already engaging ICT we see whether we can be able to develop a website that members of the public can be able to access free of charge. When we release our KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) anytime soon,” education CS said.

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