A cow being vaccinated. Photo/courtesy.
The government-led livestock vaccination initiative is now in progress, days after Mutahi Kagwe the Cabinet Secretary (CS) of Agriculture launched it in Laikipia County on Friday.
According to the ministry, the program aims to vaccinate 22 Million cattle and 50 Million sheep and goat in a period of 3 years, in all counties.
Kenya Veterinary Vaccine Production Institute (KEVEVAPI) , a state corporation has the mandate to manufacture the vaccines, specifically for foot and mouth disease(FMD) in cattle and peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in sheep and goat.
FMD and PPR have had adverse effects in counties such as, West Pokot, Kakamega and Trans-Nzoia County, where outbreaks have been reported in recent months. CS Kagwe assured the farmers that the program is voluntary. However, he emphasized the adversities of these diseases.
“Foot and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious viral infection that causes significant losses in milk production and reproduction and, in severe cases, death, especially among young animals,” he said.
“Similarly, Peste des Petits Ruminants affects sheep and goats, spreading rapidly and potentially infecting up to 90 per cent of the herd. It’s mortality rate is 70 per cent. It is therefore important for farmers to present their animals for vaccination,” he added.
These diseases have hindered Kenya livestock produce to be accepted in international markets. Thus becoming a threat to the livelihoods of farmers and in turn affecting the economy.
Speaking at a press briefing in Nairobi, the government spokesperson, Dr Mwaura stressed these setbacks. Emphasizing the importance of the vaccination program.
“This program is essential considering that recurrent outbreaks of diseases such as FMD, have hindered farmers from fully exploiting the lucrative European and Middle East export markets,” remarked Dr Mwaura.
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Over the recent months, the program has been attached to a number of controversies. Farmers are sceptical about the health of their livestock after being vaccinated.
However, CS Kagwe came out to reassure the farmers that the government, as part of their leadership responsibility, has tested the safety of the vaccines to satisfaction.
“Livestock owners ,livestock breeders to be reassured and to trust that we cannot go out of our way to tell them to use something that we do not believe in. We can not tell people to use something that we have not checked, that we have not certified, that we are not happy with,” CS Kagwe said during the launch of the program.
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