Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot has called to an end the ethnic violence witnessed at Kericho-Kisumu border. The senator has strongly condemned the acts of killings, lawlessness and destruction of property that has occurred in the last couple of days in Sondu area.

Through a press release Senator Cheruiyot says he’s saddened by the loss of lives and torching of businesses establishments that could be averted if the authorities act promptly.

‘’Our security agencies owe the country an explanation on how this situation escalated under their watch,’’ Cheruiyot said.

Cheruityot has further called the authorities led by Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki to urgently call for a leaders and community baraza in Sondu to speak to people and urge the cessation of hostilities. He says he believes that the meeting from the two neighbouring counties will arrest the unfortunate situation immediately.

The senator has also urged leaders from the region to refrain from issuing polarizing statements that aggravate an already bad situation. He says celebrating brutality, playing victim and ethnic profiling will not help the situation.

‘’Leaders must stop the culture of politicizing the unfortunate acts of violence and instead participate in pacifying hostility,’’ Cheruiyot said.

He went ahead to call on all elected leaders, the clergy, opinion makers and the local administration to assist authorities in bringing to account the few criminal elements perpetrating the senseless acts.

Consequentely, Cheruiyot demanded that the inspector general of police Japheth Koome and CS Kindiki to immediately transfer all officers in the area for laxity and failing to stop the attacks.

‘’It is appalling that the officers have been passively spectating as the two sides engage In the despicable bloody orgies, with little or no action to restore order, protect lives and property. The officers are complicit for not acting on actionable intelligence of planning and retaliatory attacks from both sides. I demand that heads must roll,’’ Cheruiyot said.

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