Free Palestine protests. Photo/courtesy.

Israel has condemned the UK over the suspension of 30 out of 350 licenses of arms shipment to Israel.

According to statements posted on the X accounts of the office of The Israel Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the move won’t deter Israel from continuing the fight against Hamas who were behind the October 7th attack.

“With or without British arms, Israel will win this war,” reads the X post.

The 10-month war on Gaza launched by the Israel Defense forces after the killing of 1200 Israelis and more than 200 others held hostage has since claimed the lives of over 40000 Palestinians according to the Health ministry in Gaza.

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British government vowed not to send aircraft fighter components directly to Israel which could have been used to violate the Humanitarian law in Gaza.

According to statements by the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT ) posted on their X account, Israel ” has been using its F-35 aircraft – of which 15% of the plane is made in the UK – in it’s genocidal war on Gaza.”

Israel termed the move by the British government a “shameful decision” and that the move ” will only embolden Hamas.”

Despite many calls by other countries against the human rights violation by Israel in the Gaza war Netanyahu’s office position remains that “Israel is pursuing a just war with just means, taking unprecedented measures to keep civilians out of harm’s way and comporting fully with international law.”

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