collection of delicious baked goods in local bakery

Photo by Maria Orlova on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

The bread and bakery industry has grown and evolved over time. In the beginning we had bread being supplied by bread manufacturers to a shop near you which was very affordable and standalone bakeries that were a bit expensive. Fast forward today we have supermarket chains getting bread supply and also having bakeries inside them.

When  you walk into a big supermarket chain for example Quickmart or Naivas. An aroma of bread, bakery and food hits you  from the food and snacks section near their entrances. This is a strategic way to get customers at their door using the most basic human need which is food. 

Wheat products was named the number one snack choice product  for most Kenyans making it a need for each household. It has been a top seller in the nation compared to other products in different industries.

It was just logical for large supermarket chains to add bread and bakery products on their own product lines since all they needed was equipment and labor. Supermarkets already have access to a large customer base so all they needed were products that would be attractive to a number of their customers. These products include bread, muffins, hot dogs, scorns, mandazi among others.

These strategy for supermarkets to  introduce bakeries was very advantageous to them compared to bread manufacturers because it meant they have fresh and high quality products, lower prices and lower overhead cost such as distribution This became advantageous to supermarkets chains over the bread manufacturers and standalone bakeries. And surely, it’s been a bread and bakery revolution. 

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