Photo by Juan Actis on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/crowd-at-a-concert-with-young-girl-in-the-front-18022717/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
Child-free simply means a decision made not to have children. Many who are of the community argue
that they shouldn’t have to justify why they chose that path. Unlike what African traditional societies
believe in that children are a source of wealth and a sense of identity for families. Research shows that
the term existed in the 1900s and become a trend in the 2000s with the internet which made people
connect making it more visible.
Some of the reasons people decide to be child-free include but not limited to barreness of one partner,
the ability to invest some of the time and money saved by not raising children for other socially
meaningful purposes for children, the belief that one can be in a better position to contribute to the welfare of existing people (including children) instead of bearing more, traumatic experiences from childhood and fear for not being able to provide for the children.
The most controversial response when asked why people choose to be child-free is that of ‘I just don’t
want to have to.’ Society tends to expect an ‘out-of-the-world answer’ but there’s a lot of stigma
associated with being child-free. Women specifically have been accused of refusal procreate but they have a right have to make individual choices regarding their own reproductive health. On the other hand, men too choose to be child-free and are perceived as weak or not man enough.
However some have no choice because of health-related issues. It is very evident that being child-free is a personal choice and having no answer to not having children is okay. There’s no reason to bring a child or children into this world if you don’t want to and if you can’t provide financially, emotionally, or even
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