Goat farming found space in Nairobi, produces valuable skin products
Goat farming found space in Nairobi, produces valuable skin products. Goat farming in urban setting has for years proven infeasible for many aspiring farmers

Goat farming in urban setting has for years proven infeasible for many aspiring farmers living in towns and cities. However one lady in Nairobi is going against all odds to start and successfully run a goat farm. Ann Chiuri is a multi-potentialite graduate of business information technology. She have ventured in goat farming practice based in Nairobi. She says she is passionate about it and has received training on dairy goat farming where she rears 21 goats in a 100 by 50 piece of land.

For her, starting farming needs capital as most of the people finds it difficult to raise money to start farming especially youths who want white color jobs. Ann states that’s when she was starting his dairy goat farming she was boosted by a side hustle job of interior designing that she was doing. Through her savings she managed to buy six goats to kickstart her farming career. “I had some savings from my interior design jobs which enables me to start with 6 goats then grow organically,” she says

 Ann further explains that she was inspired to live a healthy lifestyle after she lost her mum to cancer. That motivated her to think of alternative lifestyle so that she could compensate what lacked in their family. “My farming was more inspired through willingness to live a preventive healthy lifestyle after I lost my mum to cancer,” she says.

With cow’s milk taking the top spot in most family’s kitchens especially when preparing tea, Ann wondered whether there would be a replacement to cow milk to boost immunity. Later on, she found that goat milk was best in boosting the immune system and also had lots of nutrients.

Having an urge and love for the environment is not for everybody. Many people don’t care about the surrounding as they destroy and pollute the environment. Ann is passionate about the environment that’s why she has planted at least 10,000 trees that keeps the environment attractive but at the same time so beneficial to her goats. “Am a passionate environmentalist. I conserve environment and that’s why I have planted almost 10,000 trees for air purity, medicinal plants and water conservation,” she says.

Goats are widely distributed in diverse habitats and  adapt well. They can thrive in varying temperatures even there is food and water shortages. Additionally they breed all year around in tropical zones. Ann says when she started rearing the first 6 goats, she used what she had to feed them and with time she managed to buy feeds.

“Interestingly, I do urban farming with limited space I started feeding my goats with what I had but now I buy feeds and stock up in my storage barn for my sheep,” she says.

In her farm, Ann has employed two people whom she trained on how to handle goats. She says the two helps her to manage the workload in the farm. “I work together with 2 other people whom I have trained and perfecting the structures everyday. In my growth plan will grow to a work force of 50 positively affecting 50 families in so many  ways,” she states.

Value addition

In order to reap more profit, Ann have utilized the milk she get from his goats and  make products that  are useful. This has enabled to make skincare products. “With our goat milk we formulate skin care products which clear eczema, acne, skin tones, gentle exfoliator, helps hydrate skin longer, heals damaged skin, feeds nutrients to the skin through the pores and an anti-aging agent,” she explains.

She further elaborate on the important of the product made from goat milk pointing out that if people knows how valuable the milk is, they could dive into rearing of goats for the benefits it bring. “Dairy goat milk has a lot of benefits,” she elaborates

Additionally, the milk is rich in minerals and nutrients that are important in every humans’ diet. It immune system thus improving disease resistance. She furthers says that the milk is good for young children as it build immune system and strengthen their bones. “Goat Milk is high in protein, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. That is not only beneficial for a daily diet but also assists in healing ailments such as anemia, osteoporosis, malabsorption, bone demineralization and regenerate hemoglobin,” Ann narrates.

She continues, “I recommend it for children as it helps in growing bones and keeping them strong in the old age. Goat milk is extensively researched for its health benefits in infants. Because of its molecular structure, goat milk is gentler on your little one’s digestive systems,” she asserts.

Study have shown that goat milk can help reduce cholesterol in the arteries and gallbladder.Thus it  helps people with high cholesterol levels control their cholesterol more easily as it aids in melting the oil in the body. For external skin health she have come up with goat milk face and  body cream & varieties of goat milk collagen soaps separately with nettle, spirulina, aloe vera, rice, peppermint that do well on our skin. “We have come up with goat milk face and  body cream and varieties of goat milk collagen soaps,” she says.

Goat farming comes with it’s challenges which doubles up with challenges of selling the products made from goat milk  For Ann, these challenges serves as motivation for her to work hard and improve the kind of system and structures in her agribusiness. She says she face several challenges including that of marketing her products. “As a farmer I have to search for market and create awareness on benefits of goat milk. Also cultural limitations on goat milk consumption has hindered the production,” she concludes.

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