In the bustling town of Bungoma resides a remarkable woman named Celestine Makokha. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Celestine’s indomitable spirit and unwavering determination have propelled her towards success in the world of poultry farming. With a supportive husband by her side and a mentor who inspired her, Celestine’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience and hard work.

Born in Bungoma and a holder of diploma in IT from Sigalagala Technical, Celestine embarked on a
challenging path, filled with temporary jobs in quest to make ends meet. However, her passion for
entrepreneurship led her to venture into poultry farming in 2011. Unfortunately, her first attempt from
2011 to 2014 faced a stumbling block when she failed to find proper accommodation for her chickens,
resulting in the failure of the business.

The second shot in poultry farming

2022 was a turning point in Celestine’s life and in her entrepreneurial pursuits. Inspired by her friend and neighbor Emily Mmbone, who had succeeded in poultry farming, Celestine sought guidance and support from her mentor. With newfound knowledge and determination, she decided to give her dream another shot.

Assisted by her supportive husband, who not only provided housing for the chickens but also ensured
they had sufficient heat by adding coal at night, Celestine embarked on her journey once again. Starting
with 75 chicks, she invested a capital of Ksh20,000 which she got from her chama. This capital enabled her to get essential supplies such as charcoal for warmth, drinkers, feeds, sawdust, paraffin, poultry microbes to boost weight and electricity.

Celestine’s typical day begins with preparing her children for school before tending to her chickens.
Vaccinating, feeding, and ensuring adequate warmth and cleanliness are integral parts of her daily
routine. Over an eight-week period, she nurtures the chicks into healthy and robust chickens, ready for

With her target market being hotels in Bungoma town, Celestine prices her chickens between
450 and 500 Kenyan shillings, depending on their weight and the expenses incurred. The profits she earns are utilized to sustain and expand her business, provide for her children’s education, and cover the
family’s day-to-day expenses.

However, Celestine encounters several challenges along the way. The fluctuating prices of feeds,
medicine, and vaccines pose financial hurdles with the delicate nature of chicken health demands
extra care to prevent losses due to disease. Despite these obstacles, Celestine remains resilient,
continuously learning and adapting to overcome the hurdles she faces.

Expansion of her venture

Dreaming of expanding her venture into a large-scale operation, Celestine envisions a future where her
poultry business flourishes, creating employment opportunities for others. With the goal of acquiring
more knowledge and funding to support her growth, she aspires to be a role model for aspiring
entrepreneurs in her community.

Celestine’s story is one of perseverance, determination, and the willingness to rise above
adversity. From her initial setbacks to her current thriving poultry business, Celestine’s journey embodies the essence of resilience and hard work. With each passing day, she moves closer to achieving her dreams, all while contributing to her family’s well-being and the local economy. Celestine’s rise in poultry farming serves as an inspiration to those who dare to dream and are willing to work tirelessly to turn those dreams into reality.

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