Photo by Zarina Khalilova on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-white-haired-man-against-magnolia-tree-16529901/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
The sunscreen will go a long way in helping people living with albinism to protect them from Ultraviolet rays. The plant-based sunscreen is a non-chemical which protects Albinos from skin cancer.
Albinism Society of Kenya on Thursday launched their much anticipated Plant- based sunscreen. The move was in partnership with Linton Cosmetics Kenya which seeks to create awareness of the health of Albinos.
ASK chairperson Isaac Mwaura stated that most people with albinism die young due to skin cancer. “People with albinism are vulnerable to skin cancer that pause as great threat leading them lose their life at young age,” Mwaura stated.
He said the group will hold an albinism festival that will include film, literature, sports and beauty pageant. He said ASK has made progress to create employment for persons with albino.
“We have partnered with many organizations that are playing a vital role in supporting this initiative through different assistant like sponsoring children with albinism to study,” he added.
The society focuses on five major areas which include Niko na Haki for advocacy, Huduma Bora for service delivery, Imarisha Masomo for education, Linda Afya for health and Ajira which helps in employment.
However, Joyce Gikunda a pharmacist reiterated on creating awareness making albinos feel appreciated. “They are human who need to be considered in place of opportunities, not just rejecting them,” she said and gave an example addressing the ASK chairman that, “the time I saw you marry I believed they are human so stop rejecting them.”
For decades, people with albinism have been rejected due to their colour, and even at some point not associated with others.
Mwaura through the initiative he is driving, he hope to establish an organization that will be manufacturing skin care by themselves.
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