The Interior CS Kithure Kindiki during the launch of the fourth and final segment of the Kenya Vision 2030 Plan for the period 2023-2027 in Marsabit. Photo/courtesy.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has refuted proponents of One man one vote one shilling sharing models proposed by DP Gachau and Raila Odinga.

Speaking in Marsabit Monday, Kindiki said that all counties deserves to get development projects  without discrimination based on population size.

“We cannot encourage a situation where we start discriminating against any part of the country,” Kindiki said.

“Every one of our 47 counties is an important component of our republic and is entitled to development,” he added.

While proponents of one man one vote one shilling argue that densely populated areas need more resources, Kindiki appeared to go the opposite direction saying that marginalized areas are entitled to affirmative action projects to ensure all parts of the country are developed equally.

“There are areas that were marginalized in the past, in accordance with our constitution, are even entitled to affirmative action projects to make sure that we make all parts of Kenya equal with the rest of the country,” CS Kindiki said.

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Kindiki said the ongoing talks on the unity of Mt Kenya, which is spearheaded by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua should not be done at the expense of other parts of the country.

“The ongoing discussions are good but we will not allow ethnicity because we are one country. When we talk of regional unity it must extend to the entire country, not at the expense of another part of the country,” he stated.

He added that pursuing ethnic or other sectarian interests while holding a national office in a “violation of public trust.”

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